Latitude, Longitude & Countries Equator

Latitude and Longitude & Countries Equator 


* Parallel: Not equal 
*1 degree= 111km
* 90 degrees = 90 lines, 90+90+1= 182 lines


* I degree= 111.3 KM ( max)
* All lines almost equal 
* 360 degree= 360 lines

Degrees & Minutes 
* For greater precision, degrees are divided into 60 minutes (') - of distance, not time.
* Each minute is future divided into 60 second (")
*Now it's common to use decimal minutes, instead of seconds.

The Nautical Mile
* Distance on water is measured in nautical miles ( NM or nm).
* One minute of latitude equals one nautical mile.

Important Latitudes
* 0° = Equator 
* 23½° N = Tropic of Cancer 
* 23½° S = Tropic of Capricorn 
* 66½° N = Arctic Circle 
*66½° S = Antarctic Circle 

Horse Latitude 
* 30.35 degrees North & South 
* High atmosphere pressure, clam winds and little precipitation 


* Equator is an imaginary line created by ( us) to recognise Earth's surface. Equator equally divided earth into two parts. It helps us to discover each and every (surface) of the Earth.
* The Equator measures about 24,901 miles or 40,075 KM( circumference of  Earth)
* Lowest gravity - Equatorial bulge - boost speed during Space launch 
* Continents - South America, Africa, Asia
* River - Congo (Zaire) - intersects twice 

All countries that lie Along the Equator 

* Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil 
* Sao Tome & Principe
* Gabon
* Republic of Congo 
* Democratic Republic of Congo 
* Uganda
* Kenya
* Somalia
* Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati 


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