
Latitude, Longitude & Countries Equator

Latitude and Longitude & Countries Equator  Latitude  * Parallel: Not equal  *1 degree= 111km * 90 degrees = 90 lines, 90+90+1= 182 lines Longitude  * I degree= 111.3 KM ( max) * All lines almost equal  * 360 degree= 360 lines Degrees & Minutes  * For greater precision, degrees are divided into 60 minutes (') - of distance, not time. * Each minute is future divided into 60 second (") *Now it's common to use decimal minutes, instead of seconds. The Nautical Mile * Distance on water is measured in nautical miles ( NM or nm). * One minute of latitude equals one nautical mile. Important Latitudes * 0° = Equator  * 23½° N = Tropic of Cancer  * 23½° S = Tropic of Capricorn  * 66½° N = Arctic Circle  *66½° S = Antarctic Circle  Horse Latitude  * 30.35 degrees North & South  * High atmosphere pressure, clam winds and little precipitation  Equator  * Equator is an imaginary ...

Basic knowledge about geography

Content: * Ocean vs Sea * Sea vs Bay * Bay vs Gulf * Fjord * Strait vs Channel vs Canal * Wave vs Tide vs Current  * Tidal Wave vs Tsunami  *Estuary vs Delta  *Coastal Lagoon & Atolls * Estuary vs Lagoon  * Meander & Oxbow Lakes * Lake vs Pond Ocean  * Ocean - A continuous body of salt water that is contained in enormous basins on Earths surface. * Ocean makes up one global, interconnected body of salt water - Water surrounding entire continents * Deeper than the sea( On average, the depth of the Ocean is around 3,700 meters ( only 10% of the Earth's Ocean floor has been mapped) Sea *Sea are smaller than Oceans and usually located where the land and Ocean meet. * Typically, seas are partially enclosed by land ( exception - Sargasso Sea) - Water surrounding smaller landmasses, * Seas are generally much shallower than Oceans ( some seas are exceptions - Caribbean Sea is considered the deepest sea in the world, and has a depth of 7,686 meters. Bay * A small...